ADAM J. PATTERSON, BA: "recording of Variable Quality"

Above you can see the cover of our newest and eponymously-titled release, an abrasive, one-track, lo-fi-meets-macbook electronics meditation that was recorded, and manufactured in one afternoon before I took a shower and went out to play a show at the Bedlam Theater. I gave my copies away at the show, and it has been out-of-print since then. But now it's available on high quality CDr again for $3.00 through the mail. 

The cover photo shows some cabbage toward the end of it's season out at Turnip Rock, our dear friends' farm in New Auburn, Wisconsin.

Ships in 2-3 business days.


less_cunning said...
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less_cunning said...

i CAN'T even afford $3 pliz megaupload ???